Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Nothing in This Book Is True, But It's Exactly How Things Are, 25th Anniversary Edition

EPUB | 6.88 MB | 432 pages | English | June 25th, 2019

The twenty-fifth anniversary edition of this underground classic explores higher consciousness, human evolution, metaphysics, sacred geometry, the secret government, and more

Nothing in This Book Is True, But It's Exactly How Things Are details from a big-picture perspective the enormous infusion of higher dimensional energy that is dramatically raising the vibratory rate of the planet and everyone on it. Bob Frissell has greatly expanded upon the previous edition by including ten completely new chapters. Frissell also gives the details of the personal transformation that we must make if we are to survive and thrive, so we can "catch the ride" into higher consciousness in a way that enables Mother Earth to reach critical mass and become "lit from within." This is the story of nothing less than the birth of a new humanity and the cocreation of Heaven on Earth.

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Don't Sleep on It - Turn Your Passion & Expertise into a Profitable Online Business

MP3 | 118 MB | @64 kbps, ~04:07:00 | English | 2018

Don't Sleep on It! is a call to action for people to wake up and live their best life by taking what they know and who they are and unleashing it in the world, all while creating their very own profitable online business.

So many people want to start a business but don't know what to do. With 10 years of online building experience, Kavit Haria guides listeners through the steps to turn their passions and interests - their expertise and knowledge - into a profitable online business.

When you light a fire in someone else, you can change the world. Whether you know it or not, what you know at this time is what someone else needs in order to overcome their challenges, remedy their pain, or solve their problem.

Stop trading time for money, and start sharing what you know and earning from your own profitable online business. Wake up, and live your best life!

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Tuesday, September 17, 2019

DK Science Encyclopedia

PDF | 118 MB | 452 pages | English | Susan McKeever, Martyn Foote | 1998

Thoroughly updated to cover new technological advances from the Internet to the Mars expedition, a profusely illustrated, colorful encyclopedia explains more than two thousand scientific subjects in a lively way geared to children.

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The Learning Brain

PDF | 5 MB | 258 pages | English | 2018

One of the most complicated and advanced computers on Earth can’t be purchased in any store. This astonishing device, responsible for storing and retrieving vast quantities of information that can be accessed at a moment’s notice, is the human brain. How does such a dynamic and powerful machine make memories, learn a language, and remember how to drive a car? What habits can we adopt to learn more effectively throughout our lives? And how do factors like traumatic injuries, stress, and mood affect our grey matter? The answers to these questions are merely the tip of the iceberg in The Learning Brain.

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The Intelligent Brain

PDF | 11 MB | 143 pages | English | 2013

No feature of the mind is as important, controversial, and mysterious as intelligence. It is one of the brain's highest-order activities, allowing us to navigate the complexities of everyday life—thinking, remembering, planning, learning, organizing, solving problems, making snap judgments, and pondering difficult decisions. It is the epitome of brain function, and it has a powerful influence on success in life. And thanks to decades of research, we are closer than ever before to understanding it.

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The Aging Brain

PDF | 3 MB | 195 pages | English | 2016

We’re all getting older every day, and scientific research has shown that starting in our twenties, some brain functions begin a linear decline. Even if we avoid diseases such as Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s, parts of the brain inevitably shrink, replicating cells become damaged, and fluid processing skills such as multitasking and episodic memory worsen. But is old age all doom and gloom? Are we destined for senescence once we’re barely out of adolescence?

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Origins of The Human Mind

PDF | 2 MB | 125 pages | English | 2010

For thousands of years, the human mind has been shrouded in mystery. Elusive in nature, the subject has prompted an intensive study of several puzzling questions about what the mind is, what it's made of, how it works, and how it differs from our brains. With the latest advancements in both our understanding of the brain and the technology we use to look inside it, scientists have vastly improved their understanding of the human mind. Now, more so than at any other point in human history, we can better explain and describe

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Cognitive Behavioral Therapy - Techniques for Retraining Your Brain

PDF | 1 MB | 222 pages | English | 2015

Why is it so hard to lose weight, stop smoking, or establish healthy habits? Why do couples argue about the same issues over and over? Why do so many people lie awake at night, stricken with worry and anxiety? Why is it so difficult to come to terms with a loved one’s death, even if it’s after a long illness?

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Saturday, September 7, 2019

Basics Freehand Drawing

PDF | 96 MB | 28 pages | English | 2014

The importance of freehand drawing for educating architects is often underestimated. However, this craft is essential for any designer. The act of drawing shows you how to see and observe. It helps develop spatial imagination. A design idea can be quickly and easily clarified and displayed in only a few strokes. The sketch in perspective is vital in design presentations whether at the design academy or in meetings with contractors - every architect needs to master this craft.

Basics Freehand Drawing explains step-by-step how to develop a perspective drawing from the initial structure of the image to various drawing techniques and use of color. It also shows in numerous color illustrations different drawing techniques and examples of presenting perspective drawings of buildings, interiors, and details.

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The Essentials of Persuasive Public Speaking

MP3 | 60.7 MB | @64 kbps, 2h 12m | English

A collection of short and insightful pointers on the power, potential, and practice of public speaking.

Among the many pieces of expert advice in The Essentials of Persuasive Public Speaking is this nugget: "To capture attention, define a problem that keeps listeners up at night." Wyeth may as well be talking about the audiobook itself-for nothing keeps us up at night like the prospect of giving a speech in the morning.

In this brief and lucid guide to presenting, Wyeth counsels how to calm a thumping heart and reveals techniques on preparation, delivery, and visual aids as he gives you vivid stories and rubber-meets-the-road advice. And he does more than simply ease your dread; he inspires you with historical accounts and incisive observations on the power and purpose of speaking well. From advice on the pitch and pace of your speaking voice to admonishments against squirrel-paw hands and data-crammed PowerPoint slides, Wyeth's pointers will give you the focus and confidence to stand up straight, lean forward, and tell your story well.

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Powerful Questions for Coaches and Mentors

EPUB | 230.20 KB | 67 pages | English | July 1, 2013

A practical guide for coaches and mentors… A core function of both developmental coaching and developmental mentoring is that they help people with the quality of their thinking about issues that are important to them. One of the ways effective coaches and mentors do this is to ask powerful questions – questions that oblige the learner to engage with different perspectives on their issues.

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Monday, September 2, 2019

Reality In Advertising

PDF | 3.05 MB | 128 pages | English | Rosser Reeves

Rarely has a book about advertising created such a commotion as this brilliant account of the principles of successful advertising. Published in 1961, Reality in Advertising was listed for weeks on the general best-seller lists, and is today acknowledged to be advertising's greatest classic. It has been translated into twelve languages-French, Japanese, Spanish, Dutch, German, Italian, Portuguese, Danish, Swedish, Norwegian, Finnish, Hebrew-and has been published in twenty-one separate editions in fifteen countries. Leading business executives, and the advertising cognoscenti, hail it as "the best book for professionals that has ever come out of Madison Avenue." (For typical comments see back of jacket.) Rosser Reeves says: "The book attempts to formulate certain theories of advertising, many quite new, and all based on 30 years of intensive research." These theories, whose value has been proved in the marketplace, all revolve around the central concept that success in selling a product is the key criterion of advertising. In the course of explaining his own hard-headed approach, Mr. Reeves shows why the ad campaigns for many products are just so much money poured down the drain. He has some devastating things to say about advertising's misguided men: the "aesthetes" and the "puffers" who put art and technique ahead of the client's sales; and he punctures many of the misguided philosophies which lower the efficiency of advertising, rather than raising it. But even more important is the thoroughness and clarity with which he explains many of the mysteries of how to write advertising that produces these sales. Here, in short, is a concise, forcefully written guide that has been called "a 'Rosetta Stone' for the advertising business"- an essential book for anyone who works in advertising, or uses advertising extensively. It is today required reading in hundreds of great corporations and many of the world's leading business schools.

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The Only Investment Guide You'll Ever Need

ZIP | 1.55 MB | EPUB, AZW | English | Andrew Tobias | 2016

IF IT IS brassy to title a book The Only Investment Guide You’ll Ever Need, it’s downright brazen to revise it. Yet not to do so every few years would be worse, partly because so many of the particulars change, and partly because so many people, against all reason, continue to buy it.

In the 38 years since this book first appeared, the world has spun into high gear. Back then, there were no home-equity loans, no 401(k) retirement plans or Roth IRAs . . . no variable annuities to avoid or index funds to applaud or adjustable rate mortgages to consider . . . no ETFs, no 529 education funds, no frequent-flier miles (oh, no!), no Internet (can you imagine? no Internet!)—not even an eBay, Craigslist, or Amazon. (How did anyone ever buy anything?)

The largest mutual fund family offered a choice of 15 different funds. Today: hundreds. Stock prices were quoted in fractions and New York Stock Exchange volume averaged 25 million shares a day. Today: 3 billion shares would be a slow day.

The top federal income tax bracket was 70%.

The basics of personal finance haven’t changed—they never do. There are still just a relatively few commonsense things you need to know about your money. But the welter of investment choices and the thicket of jargon and pitches have grown a great deal more dense. Perhaps this book can be your machete.

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